Liquidity Risk

Detailed insights into the cash position and liquidity risk of the enterprise.

CubeLogic fully understands the needs of treasury professionals in today’s fast changing market with new regulations and increasing capital requirements. RiskCubed enables advanced collections, cashflow and debt analysis for trading organizations across Energy, Commercial and Industrial and Capital Markets sectors.

Treasury Cube

Market volatility causes fluctuations in the cash flow of the firm due to margin requirements in the futures markets and CSA / other bilateral margin agreements. With new regulations firms are forced to push more trades through exchanges, further increasing pressure to post cash on a daily basis.

Treasury Cube enables firms to report daily cash requirements in advance and perform stress test analysis to ensure funds are available in the event of market movements. This liquidity forecasting can be combined with the firm’s general ledger data to highlight any shortfalls and effectively manage outgoing cash requirements.

Treasury Cube includes a powerful analysis tool and reporting engine. Debt and funding computations in the Cube take into account all bank netting, margin agreements, collateral, OTC trading and Exchange trading.


Cash Collections module

A powerful, dynamic view of cash collections performance at all levels. Also available as a stand-alone solution.

  • Suite of dashboards to show; portfolio overview, ageing analysis, collections analysis, customer segmentation, intelligent dunning and customer detail drill through.
  • Business process automation – invoice dispute process and automated dunning processes. 
  • Customer Management – manage customer collections reference data
  • Standard invoice loader for linking to ETRM and ERP systems, plug and play for Credit Risk Cube clients

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